The Magellan® technology provides an automated dual spin processing system that can deliver (PRP) Platelet Rich Plasma as well as (PPP) Platelet Poor Plasma
Platelets release various growth factors:
- PDGF- Platelet Derived Growth Factor (Cell growth, new generation and repair of blood vessels, collagen production)
- TGF-B (Growth and neogenesis of epithelial cells and vascular endothelial cells, promotion of wound healing)
- VEGF (Growth and generation of vascular endothelial cells)
- FGF-Fibroblast Growth Factor (Tissue repair, cell growth, collagen production, hyaluronic acid production)
- EGF-Epithelial Growth Factor (Promotion of epithelial cell growth, angiogenesis, promotion of wound healing)
The Magellan® Platelet Separator is unique in its ability to customize the PRP product. The system can be programmed to deliver a volume of 3-10ml for each processing cycle. This allows you to customize the PRP concentration from each processing cycle. This also allows you to customize the concentration per ml within PRP. Magellan is approved for three processing cycles per disposable, allowing for maximum of 30 ml of product
60ml of blood processed to 6mL delivers a platelet concentration of 7.2 times baseline (see customization graph above). It is important to determine the volume needed for each application and then process the appropriate volume of blood to keep the platelet concentration at therapeutic levels.